In my childhood I was playing Goli with friends and even in the Dream I was playing the same, I was an expert in playing Goli..
In school days I used to play Carom a lot and in the Dream also I was playing and it counted as practice..
In college days we used to play Rummy all the time and I was seeing all adjacent numbered cards with same symbols in my hand in my Dream and win all the games..
When I was in confusion to take crusial decision of my life, my father appeared in Dream and cleared my confusion..
But I never thought that those Dreams will help me in my career also.. Whenever I tried to write SQL query to solve complex problems I don't get solution even though I try all the day but easily solving them in the Dream and write the code in 5 mins on the next day..
That means even though we are sleeping our mind is actively working on the problems we have during the day, I don't want to say that is good because we don't have sound sleep but surely I can say "Dreams have solutions and answers"..